Sun Prairie Civic Theater Penguin Project Auditions
Auditions are open to actors from ninth grade through adulthood. Those interested are asked to sign up for an audition slot and time on one of the two days.Those auditioning are asked to prepare no more than 32 bars of an audition song. There will be an audition pianist for those with sheet music. Actors may also bring their own digital audition music. Auditions will also include readings from the script and movement.
Rehearsals begin the first week of August. No conflicts will be accepted beginning October 3.
An audition form will be emailed to all those registered for auditions prior to the audition date. Questions? Contact Producer Sandy Kintner at
Sun Prairie Civic Theater Penguin Pro...
Date and Time
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM CDT