Shred Event by The Bank Of Sun Prairie

Bank of Sun Prairie Shred Event!
You may bring up to three boxes of 50 lbs. or two to three 13-gallon trash bags of paper. All material must be paper products only. You do not need to remove staples, paper clips or rubber bands.
Please do not bring any media such as CDs, floppy discs, tapes or credit cards to shred.
All shredded material is taken to the Kipp Street Station. There, the shredded material is bailed and taken to a paper mill in Wisconsin where it is recycled into paper products, toilet paper, paper towels, napkins and tissue. For every 200 lbs. of paper shredded, a tree is still standing today. All shredding done on site by Pellitteri's data destruction division, NAID certified.

Date and Time
Saturday May 6, 2023
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM CDT