Business Builder Series with Action Coach - Entire Seven Part Series

The Chamber has partnered with ActionCOACH of WI to bring you seven monthly web events designed to give you the tools your business needs to thrive in this economy.
Unfortunately, EVERYONE in the world can, and does say that. However, there are things that you do that nobody else can say sets them apart. There are true and specific reason your customers buy from you and not your competition.
In this session you’ll learn what your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is, and how to leverage it to bring in new customers moving forward.
- Session 2: Why a SWOT* Analysis for Your Business is Important to You
- *Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
“Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
-Ferris Bueller
Same thing can happen in your business. Don’t turn a blind eye or walk around with blinders on when it comes to your business.
Don’t go through life blindly when you could take control with a simple, yet powerful SWOT analysis.
This session will set you up for identifying the things you control (Strengths & Weaknesses) and the thing you need to prepare for (Opportunities & Threats).
You have had a week full of sales meetings but not one of them has signed up to work with you… What’s going on?
This session will not only teach you the power of the ask but help you ask the right questions to guide them to a dec
Are your questions guiding your prospects to work with you or to indecision?
Spend time diving into your go-to questions to find out if you really are just forgetting to ask them to buy.
*Never Split the Difference
Session 4: 5 Keys to Understanding Your Numbers & How it Affects Your Bottom Line
The most successful businesses know their numbers inside and out, and exactly what levers to pull to take their business to the next level.
During this session, you will know
- The 5 numbers you need to understand, track & manage to hit your growth goals
- Where to focus your time and energy to have the biggest impact
- Secrets to compounding your marketing efforts
- How to put your business development “on autopilot”
Now is the time to understand the numbers that keep your business growing profitably so you can ensure you are around for the long haul!
Session 5: Creating your 90-Day Cash Flow Forecast
During this session we will be looking at; Revenue, Profit/Loss/ Staff Break Evens and diving into
- SIMPLE 90 Day Cash Flow Forecasting
- SIMPLE 90 Day Cash Reserves Forecasting
- SIMPLE 90 Day Debt Tracking
- Calculating your Production Team’s Individual Break Evens
- Running Simple “What If” Scenarios
Session 6: Create Raving Fans & Inspire Incredible Customer Loyalty
68% of customers leave because of perceived indifference. What can you do to let customers know how much you appreciate them? Learn 7 simple yet incredible "moments of truth" to move restless customers to life-long, raving fans.
Session 7: Building a Business on Referrals
Get control of the narrative by teaching them how to refer you to the customers you actually want.
Date and Time
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CDT
One Thursday per month 10 a.m. - 11 a.m.
April 22
May 20
June 17
July 15
August 19
Sept. 16
Oct. 14
Remo link for April through July will be emailed upon registration.
A Zoom meeting link will be included in the email for August through October.
If this is the first time joining us on the Remo platform please test your mic and camera ahead of time here.
Remo is a conversation platform that is currently only supported in Chrome, Firefox and Safari browsers, for information on compatibility or technical issues with your machine check here.
Remo's event guide for guests is also very helpful.
If you purchase the entire 7-part series you will get a $50 cost reduction.
Series Costs are: